USB 2.0 Plug & Play light sensor
This sensor measures the ambient light level. The small unit can simply be connected to any USB 2.0 port. Incoming values are directly translated into DMX data in MADRIX as well as percent.
• Example of use: Master Fader.
Why shouldn't MADRIX automatically adjust the overall brightness of the LEDs depending on the light level indoors or outdoors?
MADRIX I/O products are supplementary input and output devices. External equipment, such as sensors, bring additional automation processes and interaction to any LED project using MADRIX.
MADRIX I/O products integrate with MADRIX mainly as DMX devices. They can be used for DMX Remote Control in combination with the DMX-IN Remote Editor as data source for MADRIX Script to be used in scripts or macros.
MADRIX I/O requires MADRIX 3.0 or higher.